Moonlight Movies
Time: 7:30 pm Location: Polaris Fashion Place

Grab your blankets and snacks, because we are proud to present FREE Moonlight Movies at Polaris Fashion Place. Guests can reserve a ticket through EventBrite.
Please see below for upcoming showings:
Friday, November 6th- Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse
Friday, November 13th- How to Train Your Dragon
Please reserve one ticket per vehicle.
Movies will take place in the parking lot out by the main entrance by the Flag Poles.
Movies will begin promptly at 7:30PM. Event parking will begin at 6:30PM. We will not allow guests into the Drive-In after 7:45PM.
In order to maintain a safe, fun environment, patrons agree by entering the Drive-In to abide by our rules of conduct stated below:
Speed Limit – 5mph, before moving your vehicle to exit the theatre, please check that the area is clear of people and objects,
Please keep headlights off for the duration of the movie. Parking lights are acceptable, when parking or exiting the Drive-In.
When parking your vehicle, ensure that cars are maintaining social distancing guidelines. Parking is on a first come, first serve basis. Management reserves the right to assign your parking space.
We’ll get you tuned in to a radio station prior to the showing. If you elect to play your own music before the show, keep volume down so as not to disturb other patrons.
No Alcohol. No Smoking (Including e-Cigarettes).
Guests are required to be inside or arms-length to their vehicles for the duration of the feature, with the exception of using the restrooms or picking up food.
Restrooms are available and 6’ distancing will be required in line. Restroom attendants will be onsite to enforce capacity, line distancing and sanitation of facilities at regular intervals as needed..
It is our goal to provide our community with a fun, socially distanced movie experience– it is absolutely vital that these rules and social distancing guidelines be followed at all times.
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